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Crime prevention advice on caravan theft

Each year around 1,400 caravans are stolen in the UK. Very few are ever returned to their original owner, partly because they can 'disappear' into an illicit network of buyers and sellers, and partly because, when a caravan is found by the police, all identifying marks have been removed - it is not uncommon for thieves to grind out the VIN number from the caravan windows. 

Caravan crime 

It is not just new caravans that are prime targets for being stolen; in  fact caravans that are about two or  three years old are more likely to  be stolen. 

Thefts occur all year round; historically most thefts occur either from home (or other private residences) or commercial storage sites, but occasionally thefts will occur from caravan sites (seasonal pitches or storage areas), dealerships or repairers (whilst awaiting service or repair) or car parks and lay-bys 

Many caravan security devices are available on the market, from hitchlocks to steady locks, from alarms to wheelclamps. There are also alarms and sophisticated tracking systems available costing hundreds of pounds.

 For a comprehensive guide to caravan security please visit:  https://www.caravanclub.co.uk/advice-and-training/taking-care-of-your-outfit/caravan-security/

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David Andrew
(Police, PCSO, Whitchurch Safer Nieghbourhood Team)

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