The Police
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As part of our commitment to make it easier, faster and simpler for members of the public to be directed to the right service as quickly as possible, we are providing you with an automated response in reference to one of the undermentioned matters.


  • Civil disputes
  • Dog fouling and barking
  • Fly tipping
  • Highways and road faults
  • Noise
  • Parking
  • Please refer to the link, which will provide full information to other organisations that can help and support. Please note you will not receive further response from West Mercia Police, unless your communication is in relation to another matter.



    If you wish to report a crime, please utilise Report a crime | West Mercia Police or call 999 in an emergency. Likewise, please also note that our website offers further advice to provide information and support about how people can protect themselves and their family.

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    Message Sent By
    Marc Ginder
    (West Mercia, PC, Bewdley)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials