The Police
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Drugs Supply - Aqueduct

Dear Residents,


The Dawley and Malinslee Safer Neighbourhood Team are aware of recent reports of drugs supply in the Aqueduct area, including under the bridge of the Silkin Way, by the Britannia Pub, Aqueduct Road. 


The team are working to deter, disrupt and tackle any drugs supply across the area. 


We kindly ask that residents report any incidents they witness via online reporting on Home | West Mercia Police or email the team directly on dm.snt@westmercia.police.uk


The team has been conducting covert operations and are working with partners to tackle this issue.  


Kind regards, 


PC 21729 Sam BERTIE


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Message Sent By
Sam Bertie
(West Mercia Police, Constable, Dawley and Malinslee)

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