The Police
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ATM Safety Advice

Dear residents. 


Watch out for cash point scams.

We are urging people to be vigilant when using cash machines and to tell police immediately if they see anything unusual or anyone acting suspiciously around cash machines. If possible, you should not leave the scene if their card is retained but call for help and inform their bank to prevent cash from being stolen.


What can you do to protect yourself from cash point crime? 

There are different steps you can take to protect yourself from ATM fraud.

Never share your debit or credit card PIN with anyone. If you see anything unusual about the cash machine or it’s been tampered with, don’t use it and report it to the bank as soon as possible.


How to protect yourself from ATM thefts:

Cover your PIN as you type it.

Stand close to the machine.

Use your free hand and body to shield the keypad as you enter your PIN.

Don't get distracted, be particularly cautious if strangers try to talk to you.

If an ATM eats your card, report it to your card company straight away, ideally using your mobile while you’re still in front of the machine.

Put your money away as soon as you have got it out of the machine.

Police would urge users of cash machines to make sure there is no one behind them or congregating near a machine whilst they are using it.

If possible, under indoor machines, ideally in your banking branch.

Please do not use a cash machine if you feel like you are being watched or it does not feel safe to do so and report any suspicious activity immediately.


If you have lost money to any type of fraud, report it to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or contact West Mercia Police. 


Kind regards


PCSP Claire Ellis 40420 










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Message Sent By
Claire Ellis
(West Mercia Police , PCSO, Nedge)

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