The Police
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Shopwatch Scheme

Shop Watch schemes are partnerships between your business, the police and others such as local authorities to support communities against retail-related crime We understand the devastating impact that crime can have on a business, which is why we want work together and help our local communities. They aim to:

  • help prevent and detect crime in communities

  • find long-term solutions to local problems

  • provide a visible policing reassurance to local businesses

  • improve the communication flow between communities and the police

  • reduce and prevent criminality and antisocial behaviour

  • reduce the fear of crime by helping solve your crime-related problems

  • Join Shop Watch

    By joining your local Shop Watch scheme, you will receive:

  • tailored police alert messages via Neighbourhood Matters about issues that may affect or be of interest to shops and retailers. You can reply directly to your Safer Neighbourhoods Team

  • face-to-face support and advice from your local Safer Neighbourhoods Team in relation to your scheme

  • marketing packs which include scheme branded materials to raise awareness of your scheme

  • If you think you may benefit from a Shop Watch scheme or would like to know more information, please contact us and include where you live, or your local Safer Neighbourhoods Team.

    Read our good news stories for Shop Watch.

    If you are already part of a Shop Watch or similar scheme, your group can join Neighbourhood Matters as an already existing group and receive the same benefits as a scheme that has been set up through a Safer Neighbourhoods Team.

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    Message Sent By
    Joseph Bradley
    (Police , PCSO , Shrewsbury Town Centre)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials