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Drugs supply enterprise shut down as dealer gets nine years

A dealer responsible for running a comprehensive drugs supply enterprise into Hereford has been sentenced to nine years in prison at court.

David Evans, 38, of Primrose Avenue, Clehonger, Herefordshire, was sentenced to nine years for possession with intent to supply cocaine at Worcester Crown Court on Friday (24 May).

He was further sentenced to three-and-a-half years for possession with intent to supply cannabis, two years for possession with intent to supply ketamine and one year for possessing criminal property. All these terms are to run concurrently.

Detective Constable Verity Farr, of Hereford CID, said: “This was a lengthy and complex investigation into the supply of class A drugs from a man who led a refined and comprehensive drug supply enterprise. 

“The misery associated with this offending is well known as is the impact on the local community. 

“Evans was found in possession of a significant amount of class A drugs and had been involved in the manufacture of cannabis.

“This sentence is welcomed as it reflects the seriousness of Evans’ offending. Officers from West Mercia Police will not tolerate the supply of controlled drugs and will work with the local community and partner agencies to combat it at every opportunity.”

  • The local community can help us by continuing to report any signs of criminal activity – the easiest way to do this is on our website. You can report online under the Report A Crime section of our website.
  • If you have information about drugs and drugs supply and don’t want to speak to police, you can report information anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or https://crimestoppers-uk.org/
  • JI, Corporate Communications


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    James Iles
    (West Mercia Police, Corporate Communications Officer, Corporate Comms team)

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