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Advice and guidance for teens

keeping yourself safe during summer 

Here are some tips to stay safe during the summer: 

  • If you’re out, make sure your phone is charged and your location services on so you can be located in an emergency. 
  • Always use a trusted taxi company instead of hailing one and ensure the details match the one you get into. 
  • Report crime anonymously on 101 or www.fearless.org. If you find yourself in immediate danger, call 999. 
  • Festival safety guidance and advice this summer

    Wanting to cool off by swimming? 

    If you’re swimming this summer:  

  • Ask yourself, is the area safe? Is it too deep, too shallow, are there currents, or underwater objects? 
  • Enter slowly and carefully – never jump from heights. 
  • Don’t go too far – stay within reach and within a standing depth. 
  • Make sure someone is around to call for help if needed and keep a look out for lifeguards. In an emergency, call 999 and ask for Fire Service when inland and Coastguard if at the coast. 
  • Do not go swimming whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol. 
  • If you do get into trouble, stay calm, float on your back and call for help. 

    Wanting to stay connected with others online? 

    If you’re communicating with others online: 

  • Review your privacy settings and try not to advertise when you’re away on holiday or home alone on social media.  
  • Report any harmful, abusive, or illegal content. 
  • Report, block, and screenshot any inappropriate or offensive behaviour. 
  • Only use trusted and reputable sources of information and only communicate with people you know. 
  • Do not share your bank details or personal information to anybody without verifying their identity first – if it seems too good to be true, it probably is!     
  • Feeling low or lonely? 

    The summer break from college can feel exciting for most young people, but for some, they may feel worried about a long summer at home or away from their friends and support networks.     

    Top tips that may help: 

  • Keep up a good routine – try to get up at a reasonable time each day, shower and get dressed. 
  • Get planning – plan your days or weeks to have something to look forward to or focus on. 
  • Practice self-care – go for walks outside, explore a new area, learn a new hobby, or volunteer. 
  • Stay connected with friends and suggest meeting up during the holidays. They may be feeling the same as you. 
  • If you feel low and are having negative feelings, remember it will pass – but there’s always someone to talk to. Call the Samaritans on 116 123. 

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    Message Sent By
    Susan Tindale
    (West Mercia Police, PCSO, Newport)

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