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Dogs in hot cars

What happens to dogs in hot cars? 

Dogs in hot cars can suffer from potentially fatal heat stroke in as little as 15 minutes. Dogs die in hot cars as they can overheat very quickly and struggle to cool themselves down, even when a window has been left open or water has been left in the car.


How quickly does a car heat up?

10mins…. Outside temp - 29 degrees C

                Inside temp - 40 degrees C

30mins…. Outside temp - 29 degrees C

                Inside temp - 48 degrees C

60mins…. Outside temp - 29 degrees C

                Inside temp - 53 degrees C


It has been proven that leaving the car window open a small amount has no effect on the inside temperature. Leaving the car in shade will lead to a slight reduction in the above temperatures only.


Please look after your furry friends this summer.


PCSO Merrick Liston




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Message Sent By
Merrick Liston
(West Mercia Police, PCSO, Newport )

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