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Speed Monitoring Checks

Dear Residents, 


As part of our Charter Priorities as a Safer Neighbourhood Team, PCSO Browne has today been conducting Speed monitoring checks in Sundorne & Battlefield. 


We as a Safer Neighbourhood Team work closely with Shropshire councillors to determine what issues need to be addressed in your communities - speeding being one of the priorities for these respective areas within our local area. 


PCSO Browne has been on Featherbed Lane & Battlefield Road, along with Sundorne Road & Whitchurch Road.


High speeds of 36MPH, low of 17MPH & Av. readings of 31MPH. Two motorists have been spoken to. Make sure you stick to the 30MPH speed limit.


Kind Regards 

PCSO 40616 Conor BROWNE 

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Message Sent By
Conor Browne
(Police, Police Community Support Officer, Harlescott & Sundorne)

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