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Section 59 - Operation Spree

Dear resident 

After numerous complaints about a noisy motorcycle in Woodside a section 59 notice was issued to the rider today by PC 2465 Rob Hughes.

Why we issued it? Riding a motorcycle is not an issue but riding it on paths and revving it excessively  is, residents are entitled to a peaceful and respectful life. Loud revving disturbs  the peace and is not needed.

What we did- We listened to complaints and looked at footage and only when enough evidence was gained did we issue the notice.  we balance the approach as not to target people unnecessarily.  

What is a section 59 Notice? The notice is issued to anyone or any vehicle involved in ASB, be it manner ridden or noise emitted and lasts 12 months with a consequence that further breaches will involve the car/bike/Scooter being seized.

Your local policing team deal with crime as well as quality of life issues.

If you have any information about nuisance motorcycles please email opspree@westmercia.police.uk 

Kind regards

PCSO Katy Balaam


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Message Sent By
Katy Balaam
(Police, Senior Police Community Support Officer, South Telford)

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