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CCTV appeal: Can you help us find this person?

Dear Resident


Can you help us identify this person?


Aged approximately 40-50 Years old, Slim Build with Blond Hair wearing a Blue Top. Seen walking a Black Dog possibly a cross breed Alsatian 


We’d like to speak to this WOMAN as part of an investigation into a Assault - DOG BITE on DOVECOTE ROAD and BARNFIELD ROAD in BROMSGROVE


The incident happened between 08:45 and 09:15 on 15th JULY 2024.


If this is you, you recognise this person or you can identify them please call 101 quoting incident number 00317_I_15072024.

or contact you local Safety Neighbourhood Officer on the contact details below. 


If you aren’t comfortable contacting us directly, information can also be given anonymously to the independent charity, Crime stoppers, they never ask your name and they cannot trace your call or I.P address. You can call 0800 555 111 or visit their website: www.crimestoppers-uk.org.


Thank you for your help. It is only by the police and the public working together that we can prevent and detect crime. 


Kind regards,

PCSO Johnathan EVANS 40596

T: 07970 870 101

E: johnathan.evans@westmercia.police.uk 

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Message Sent By
Johnathan Evans
(West Mercia Police, PSCO, Bromsgove SNT)

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