The Police
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Anti Social Behaviour

Anti-social behaviour

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) is anything which causes harassment, alarm or distress. It can take many forms and there are a number of ways we can put a stop to it.


Tips for dealing with ASB

Gather evidence - CCTV is a great way to identify offenders. If this

isn't available a description of offenders and direction of travel will

be helpful.

Discuss issues with your neighbours, colleagues, friends, family and

other residents in the community.

Don't chase or engage with the perpetrators - this makes it a game for them and they will keep coming back if they find it fun.

Don't shout at the individuals -shouting will encourage the behaviour, try not to engage with them.

Don't react to the behaviour - if you give a reaction they are more likely to return and continue the behaviour.


Reporting ASB

When reporting ASB, it is useful if you can provide as many details as possible. This will help decide the most suitable and proportionate action to deal with your case. Report as much information as possible about the incident (location, time, description of those involved, if this has happened before).



For the latest crime prevention advice visit:


For crimes in progress call 999.

For non emergencies report online: www.westmercia.police.uk/report

If you are unable to report online, you can contact the police via the 101 non-emergency number.

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Message Sent By
David Andrew
(Police, PCSO, Whitchurch Safer Nieghbourhood Team)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials