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Modern Slavery

Dear Resident


Modern slavery exists in many forms in the UK, including trafficking into criminal activities like Cannabis farming, some victims in the drug trade are forced to work as cannabis growers. Others are used to distribute or sell drugs. 


Another example is sexual exploitation, Victims are forced into sex work or to perform sexual acts against their wishes and without their consent. This includes escort work. 


Other examples are domestic slavery or forced labour on farms, in construction, shops, bars, nail bars, car washes or manufacturing. Anyone can be a target for modern slavery, but some people can be at more risk because of money, social or health issues, or because of their age or immigration status.


Threats and punishments can often be violent, but not always. They can include threatening to tell the authorities about the victim's immigration status in order to get them deported from the country.


Modern slavery includes human trafficking. This is when victims are taken between countries or around a country so they can be exploited.


If you think modern slavery is happening, tell someone as soon as you think it’s safe to. This could be about a victim, a suspect, or a particular business or place. You will always be taken seriously, and protection and support is available.


If you want to to remain anonymous you can contact West Mercia Police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or via their website


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Derya Mustafa
(Police, PC, North Worcestershire, Kidderminster)

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