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Racist Graffiti

Dear Bridgnorth Residents , 


Over the last few weeks we have been seeing some racist graffiti appearing underneath the Bypass Bridge , this had all been painted over by the council . 

Yesterday 13th September the graffiti appeared again but a lot worse than previously . Once again the council will be removing this . 

We believe that this was done in daylight hours after 12pm and before 6pm . 

If anybody has seen anyone on the Wellmeadow field under the bypass Bridge acting suspiciously or believe that they are the culprits, can you please let us know, this is a very serious offence and will not be tolerated. 

You can e mail us at bridgnorth.snt@westmercia.police.uk or fill in an online report on the westmercia website or call 101 if you are there at the time and witness someone in the act . 


Thanks Kind regards

Pcso Mandy Leek 

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Message Sent By
Amanda Leek
(West Mercia Police, PCSO, Bridgnorth Town and Rural East Safer Neighbourhood Team)

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