Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
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PCC's focus triggers improvements to firearms licensing performance

PCC's laser focus triggers improvements to firearms licensing performance

Legal firearms are part of the way of life for many in our rural communities with West Mercia having the second highest number of shotgun and firearms holders in the country.


Hearing and acting on concerns raised by those communities, PCC John Campion has continued to shine a light on the experiences of residents facing delays by scrutinising the performance of the Firearms Licensing Unit and providing significant resources to deliver change.


The results of this focus have seen considerable improvements in the number of grant applications completed in 2024, when compared to 2023, with a 55% increase for shotguns and 37% increase for firearms.


There has also been a reduction in the overall backlog as well as quicker servicing of newer cases.


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Message Sent By
James Hatherill
(West Mercia OPCC, Senior Communications and Engagement Officer, West Mercia)

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