Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
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Support a petition to help young drivers stay safe on our roads

Support a petition to help young drivers stay safe on our roads

PCC John Campion is backing a Shrewsbury mother’s campaign calling for change.  


The petition is organised and led by Crystal Owen, who tragically lost her 17-year-old son, Harvey, in a traffic collision. She has been actively campaigning for The Graduated Driving Licence, backed by the AA, to be introduced.  


Crystal Owen said: “I lost my 17-year-old son, Harvey, last November as a passenger in a young friend’s car in North Wales. He had his whole life ahead of him, and I was powerless to protect him from the one thing I never thought would happen.


“This story of loss is all too common with law change long overdue. I have recently met with the Minister of Transport about the need to introduce Graduated Driving Licences for young drivers, and it will soon be debated in parliament so it’s important this momentum continues.


“We know these life-saving safety measures work, as they are already making a difference in other countries, so please show your support by signing the petition, today.”


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James Hatherill
(West Mercia OPCC, Senior Communications and Engagement Officer, West Mercia)

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