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Hadley Playing fields ASB concern

Community based policing is about dealing with local issues, Hadley and Leegomery Safer Neighbourhood Team have been looking at off road motorcycles using the playing fields at the Hadley Learning Community.


This issue has been ongoing for sometime and has in some cases caused great distress. Often when I put posts about this subject I get a lot of negative comments, such as "Its kids being kids" or "You should find them a place to ride" however children have the right to be safe on the playing fields and riding a motorcycle on there is both thoughtless and dangerous.


Working with partner agencies we are looking at options to stop the ASB. we urge the community to report riders with a description of the rider if possible.


You can report off road motorcycles via email opspree@westmercia.police.uk or if it is happening at the time 101

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Message Sent By
Robert Hughes
(West Mercia Police, Safer Neighbourhood Officer, Hadley and Leegomery)

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