Cyber-crime prevention Tips to stay protected against cyber related crime: Have strong passwords: Your password is the key to your online life, so make sure it’s strong.Use Anti-Virus software: Anti-Virus software is your first line of defence, make sure you use it, and it’s kept up to date.Always update software: Vulnerabilities are like holes in your devices system, updates and patches fill those holes to prevent data breaches.Always back up data: Make copies of things that are important to you, keep these copies safe.Turn on Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): 2FA proves you are who you claim to be online! This is a good feature to ensure everything is secure.Don’t use free Wi-Fi for EVERYTHING: Public or free wi-fi isn’t secure. Someone could be monitoring.Don’t click on links or attachments: Clicking on unverified links or attachments could give criminals access to your devices.Always question requests for personal information: Criminals will tell you all sorts of stories to part with your money or data!For more information on Cyber Crime prevention visit our website: Advice about fraud | West Mercia Police |