The Police
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Theft of Motor Vehicle

We are investigating the theft of a motor vehicle which occurred on Lower Priest Lane in Pershore on the 16th January' 25.

The theft occurred around and 03.00am when a Fiat 500 in Grey similar was stolen from the address and found on THE HURST, WYRE ROAD, PERSHORE where it was reported in the middle of the road still running and with it's lights on.  Police attended and the vehicle has since been recovered by the owner's insurer.

We are keen to hear from anyone who may have any information relating to the theft or that may have been in either area around the time of the incident and heard or seen anything suspicious.

If you have information please contact Pershore Town Safer Neighbourhood Team on pershoretown.snt@westmercia.police.uk quoting incident reference 00033_I_16012025. 

If you aren’t comfortable contacting us directly, you can pass on information anonymously to the independent charity, Crimestoppers, by calling 0800 555 111 or by visiting their website: www.crimestoppers-uk.org


On behalf of the Safer Neighbourhood Team


PCSO Bex Ashley

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Message Sent By
Rebekah Ashley
(Police, PCSO, Pershore CPTC)

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