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Traffic Enforcement Woodside

Traffic Enforcement


Woodside School as you may be aware is currently subject to a Traffic Enforcement program implemented by Shropshire Council between the hours of  08:00 and 09:00am and 14:30 to 15:30pm effecting  Gittin Street, Liverpool Rd and Old Fort Rd.  The aim is to reduce traffic through the area to protect students and parents while attending and leaving the school.  Fines will be issued by Shropshire Council if you drive through this area during the above times.  Permit Holders are Exempt 


We are aware that this is now pushing vehicles into the surrounding roads causing disruption to local residents and causing further parking issues,  please be respectful and not block driveways, obstruct junctions etc which could result in fines also  Please leave plenty of time for your journey.


For more information 



Many thanks






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Message Sent By
Andy Neeves
(West Mercia Police, PCSO, Oswestry Central SNT)

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