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Police working with farmers and the NFU

Tenbury & Martley Safer Neighbourhood Team alongside the Rural Crime Officers have attended a meeting with local farmers and a NFU representative.


We discussed concerns and queries from the farmers and went on to discuss preventative measures that could be implemented to prevent becoming a victim of rural crime.

A few of these measures include:
- Not leaving the keys inside farm vehicles or equipment
- Putting trackers on farm vehicles and trailers
- Having alarms and CCTV around the farm
- Using Smart Water to mark your property - If you are a victim of a theft and the items are recovered by police if they are marked, we can identify the true owner and return them.

If you need us, we are here. Report incidents either by calling 101 or online https://www.westmercia.police.uk/
In an emergency always call 999 

PC 21403 SMITH


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Message Sent By
Molly-Ann Smith
(Police, PC, Tenbury and Martley)

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