The Police
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Martley - Engagement Van

Good afternoon,


Safer Neighbour Officer Smith, Police Community Support Officer Durrant and I will be bringing the engagement van to Martley cricket club/village hall on Wednesday 19th February at 10am (give or take 15 minutes) until 11am however if we do not have anyone come to speak with us in the first 30 minutes of being there we will move onto our next location, if you would like to speak to us you're more than welcome to let me know what time you will be coming within the hour period so that I know not to leave until you have come. 


It is a great opportunity to meet your local safer neighbourhood team, speak with them about the concerns you have in and around your area and ask for any policing advice you may need. 


We look forward to seeing you.

Kind regards, 

PCSO Partridge

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Message Sent By
Abigail Partridge
(Police, PCSO, Tenbury Wells)

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