The Police
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Redditch Town Library - Police Surgery

As you will have noticed the new Police Station is up and running and we`ve moved out of the Town Centre, but don't worry, we'll still be hosting open surgeries in the Kingfisher Shopping Centre every week in February.

We`ll have a table next to the EE shop in the Centre, so pop in and get any security advice, raise any concerns you have or simply say Hi!

Dates and times below:

Tuesday 11th February 14:30hrs to 16:30hrs

Saturday 15th February 14:30hrs to 16:30hrs

Tuesday 18th February 14:30hrs to 16:30hrs

Saturday 22nd February 14:30hrs to 16:30hrs

Tuesday 25th February 14:30hrs to 16:30hrs

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Message Sent By
Jake Gore
(Police, PCSO, Greenlands, Lodge Park & Woodrow)

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