The Police
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Much Wenlock Surgery

Much Wenlock Town Council held an advice surgery at the Much Wenlock Museum on Saturday morning between 10:30 and 12:00.  Town Councillor Marcus Themans, Shropshire Councillor Dan Thomas attended the surgery and Police Community Support Officer Helen Scott supported to answer any questions on Police activity.

They spoke to a number of residents, dealing with such issues as anti-social behaviour and licensing.

The next meeting is planned at the same venue on Saturday 8th March from 10.30am.

You can also contact the team using our team email, bmw.snt@westmercia.police.uk 

If you need to report an incident, ring 999 in an emergency.  For reporting a non emergency, you can use the West Mercia Police Online reporting system on westmercia.police.uk or ringing 101.”

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Message Sent By
Helen Scott
(Police, Police Community Support Officer, Broseley and Much Wenlock)

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