The Police
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Dear All,


The Safer Neighbourhood team have been conducting speed monitoring and enforcement today at:


A49 through Wall-Under-Heywood 30mph section


Most vehicles were well within the specified speed limit I am please to say. There were a small minority of road users who clearly have a disregard for the safety of themselves, other road users and pedestrians who were travelling in excess of the speed limit.


Excessive speed is one of the four main causes of road related serious injury and death.


During our operation:

The highest recorded speed was: 34mph 

The average of all vehicles recorded was: 24mph


I would like to remind you that driving over the given speed limit is a criminal offence and being prosecuted for speeding will land you with a £100 fine and 3 points on your driving license.


Please drive within the speed limit and keep our communities safe


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Message Sent By
Jay Rees
(Police, PCSO, Church Stretton and Craven Arms safer neighborhood team)

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