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Educational Talks

On Friday 7th February Pc 22620 Jen Shelton from one of the Oswestry patrol teams completed a talk with students at Derwen College focusing on general safeguarding, road safety and the role of the Police.

The talk was meant to be in person but due to a sickness bug within the college adaptions were made and a presentation was completed online to the students. Despite this slight setback, the presentation still captured the attention of the audience it was being delivered to with positive feedback received.


About Derwen College:

Derwen College is a not-for-profit organisation that offers residential and day placements to students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), aged 16–25.

With four sites based in Shropshire, students have many opportunities to experience real work settings. The largest campus in Gobowen, near Oswestry welcomes both residential and day students. 

Students at Derwen College have a choice of pathway areas, with subjects including:

  • Horticulture
  • Hospitality
  • Retail and Enterprise
  • Performing Arts
  • Work and Independence Skills
  • With a unique opportunity to work in our outlets in Gobowen, students learn essential skills needed for the world beyond college. Our restaurantcafegarden centre and charity shop all offer vocational experience opportunities for students at Derwen.


    Pc Shelton enjoyed completing the presentation and she plans to visit the college to say “hi” to those she had seen online. Discussions have been had about further inputs, talks, presentations and visits at the college. 

    Should any educational settings, social groups, youth clubs or recreational groups feel like they could benefit from an input like the one mentioned above please get in touch with a member of the Rural North Safer Neighbourhoods Team who should be able to make arrangements. Please contact the team at OswestryRN.snt@westmercia.police.uk.


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    Message Sent By
    Michael Hogg
    (Police, Police Officer, Oswestry Rural North)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials