The Police
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Community Engagement

Good afternoon,


Today, I attended the Mayor of Pershore's Coffee Morning, supported by a Model Railway Exhibition in aid of Pershore Foodbank at Pershore Town Hall.  It was so lovely to see so many residents come together and have a few hours of fun with the children having their faces painted by a very talented lady!. There was suggestion of me having mine done, but I politely declined as I think being on patrol looking like a mermaid would of caused a few laughs!.  


I had the pleasure of meeting and talking to the Mayor, and we discussed Policing in Pershore and what the general concerns were. We are very keen to keep everyone updated on any issues within the town, the main things we spoke about was Anti- Social Behaviour, speeding in some areas and what we do as Community Support Officers, as our role is slightly different to Response Officers.


We are hoping to be attending many more events in Pershore and will look forward to seeing some of you there.


Have a good weekend and if you would like to speak to us please either message us through here or email: pershoretown.snt@westmercia.police.uk.


Kind Regards


PCSO Bex Ashley



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Message Sent By
Rebekah Ashley
(Police, PCSO, Pershore CPTC)

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