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Hare Coursing

Good evening, 


We have recently had reports of hare coursing (night poaching) in the area.

Not only is hare coursing illegal, hare coursing costs farmers and landowners a lot of money. The damage caused to fencing and hedges is expensive to repair, crops can be destroyed and yields may drop because it can take years for a field’s soil structure to recover from the impact of vehicles.


If you see hare coursing taking place, ring 999 immediately and provide as much information as you can – for example, a What3Words location, a description of the people involved, vehicle registration numbers, vehicle descriptions and the location and direction of travel. However, it is very important that you don’t confront hare coursers or put yourself at risk.


If you see anything which you feel needs police attention, or you have information about a crime or criminal activity, always ring 999 if it is an emergency or a crime in progress.



PC 2483 Jon Hand

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Message Sent By
Jon Hand
(West Mercia Police, PC, Kempsey & Alfrick)

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