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How uncollected bikes are wheely making a difference in the community

Dozens of uncollected bicycles in Worcester have been donated by the police to help benefit people in need of two wheels.

Last year, West Mercia Police started an agreement with Bike Worcester to responsibly dispose of uncollected bicycles donated by the Police and Crime Commissioner via the Seized and Found Property Department.

Around 40 or more bikes have now been gratefully received by members of the local community benefiting them in multiple ways such as improving their health and wellbeing or commuting to new job opportunities, after being fully refurbished by Bike Worcester.

Charles Watts, Service Delivery Manager at West Mercia Police, said: “We are always reviewing how we dispose of seized and found property that isn’t claimed or identified by an owner.

“We are very conscious that many items that aren’t claimed can have a positive impact on the community.

“Our agreement with Bike Worcester is a big step in providing more sustainable and socially responsible disposal methods.

“We hope we can agree more processes like this in the near future across our force area.”

Phil Jones from Bike Worcester explained his team service the bikes, replace any parts which are worn out or unsafe and get them ready to be used - for commuting, getting to school or just leisure.

People can choose bikes, reserve them, and then come and try them and take them away.

Those helped include parents who want to cycle with their kids to school but couldn't justify the expense of a brand-new bike and all kinds of families and individuals who wanted to get back into cycling but didn't have the skills or knowledge to be confident to find a bike on second hand websites.

Their website bikeworcester.org.uk has a list of all of the bikes which are available.

Phil said: “We really appreciate the bikes from West Mercia as we are always looking for donations of good quality bikes, particularly mid-size bikes for older children and younger teenagers.

“For people in Worcester who want to choose more healthy, sustainable travel options, these refurbished bikes are a safe, reliable and affordable option."

Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion said: “I am a keen supporter of initiatives that support safer and stronger communities, so it’s great to see the bikes going to new homes. 

“It’s my aspiration that this programme is rolled out to more organisations across West Mercia to ensure all communities are able to benefit from this scheme.”

Chris Speakman, Environmental Manager at West Mercia Police, said: “Our partnership with Bike Worcester is a win-win for the community and the environment.

“By repairing and donating seized bikes to residents, we not only provide sustainable transport options, but also significantly reduce carbon emissions from carbon intensive transportation and waste management.

“This initiative promotes healthier lifestyles and cleaner air for everyone.”


Pictures are Graham Turner, Scheduling Officer at West Mercia Police; Phil Jones from Bike Worcester, Holly Williams, Property Officer at West Mercia Police; Chris Speakman, Environmental Carbon Manager at West Mercia Police; Charles Watts, Service Delivery Manager at West Mercia Police; and Daisey Wallis, Martyn Lewis and Nick Popham from Bike Worcester.

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James Iles
(West Mercia Police, Corporate Communications Officer, Corporate Comms team)

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