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Road safety enforcement activity

Road safety concerns, in particular speeding and Anti-social driving, are consistently raised by our local communities.


On Thursday 20th March 2025, the Ludlow safer neighbourhood team (SNT)  and our colleagues from Bridgnorth SNT and Church Stretton SNT, were out conducting enforcement activities as a part of Operation ANKARA.  


As a result of the enforcement the following were issued: 

2x Traffic offence reports for Speeding

4x Notice of intended prosecution for Speeding

1x Vehicle defect rectification scheme form for a light out

1x Seizure of vehicle for no insurance 

2x breath tests 


The purpose of Operation ANKARA is to make roads of South Shropshire safer by preventing incidents such as speeding, ASB driving, Erratic driving and drink/drug driving.  

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Message Sent By
Fern Johnson
(Police, Police Constable, Ludlow)

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