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Community week roundup



This week Pershore Safer Neighbourhood Team have been busy with lots of Community Engagement including our Drop in Surgery at the Café, Civic Centre where residents spoke to us about their concerns regarding parking in Cherry Orchard and other areas of Pershore.


I attended a Safeguarding meeting to offer support for vulnerable people within the community as well as a housing meeting to work together to tackle issues involving neighbour disputes and Anti - Social Behaviour. Visits to vulnerable people in their homes are something we do all the time including welfare checks and offering support and reassurance are a big part of our role as Community Support Officers.


Patrols this week have included lots of different areas of Pershore and surrounding areas working alongside the Rural Team, PCSO Stirling and I have been on foot patrol in the Town and speaking with local residents and businesses.


If you have anything at all that you would like to talk to us about in person, pop by to our next drop in surgery on Monday 24th March at No 8, High Street, Pershore between 13:30-14:30 where PCSO Rice will be on hand to speak to you.

Alternatively, if you would prefer to contact us by email please do so at : pershoretown.snt@westmercia.police.uk or call 101 to report anything of concern or report online.


Enjoy your weekend!


PCSO Bex Ashley








Good to see that Pershore was all in order on Friday evening! 


We checked in with staff at ASDA and Tesco this evening and patrolled Abbey Park, King George's way as well as other spots.  

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Message Sent By
Rebekah Ashley
(Police, PCSO, Pershore CPTC)

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