The Police
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Theft Awareness & Safety Advice

Dear Residents, 

Mail theft from letterboxes ⚠️

We have been made aware of a report of criminals targeting residential wall mounted letterboxes in the local area. Residents have discovered items jammed into the front communal door to prevent it from closing properly allowing criminals to retrieve and steal mail. In one incident, a resident has received a letter from Nationwide with confirmation of a bank account being opened without their knowledge.

PC Ryan Davies said : “Criminals are targeting properties with either standalone letter boxes or external letter boxes which can be easily accessed. Local residents with standalone or external letter boxes should consider ‘tamper proof’ boxes which would provide greater security.

“If you have had mail stolen, received mail from banks in your name or received credit cards in your name that you didn’t request please report it the police or Action Fraud.”
To protect yourself;

📪 Regularly check your letterbox for any signs of tampering, including blockages or damage
🔒 If possible, upgrade to a more secure letterbox
💻 If you suspect your mail has been stolen, especially any bank information, contact your bank immediately and report the incident to us at https://orlo.uk/A7tlZ or @ActionFraud at https://orlo.uk/a2fe3

Please remain vigilant and please share this information to help raise awareness


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Message Sent By
Ryan Davies
(West Mercia Police, Constable, Arleston, College & Wellington)

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